Implementing a Simple Protocol using Tokio - Part I

Learning Tokio

A protocol is a defined method for entities to communicate. One of the most widely recognized protocols is HTTP/HTTPS. Its implementation is governed by a specification documented in the RFC 1945. To develop your own protocols, proficiency in network programming is essential. I’ve recently delved into the Tokio ecosystem, where the crates provided simplify network programming. My interest was piqued, leading me to explore the excellent “mini-redis” tutorial. After going through the tutorial, I felt compelled to challenge myself by attempting to implement a simple protocol. [Read More]

Ergonomic Keyboard

Researching Ergonomic Keyboards

Like many others, I transitioned to working from home during the pandemic. As time passed, it became increasingly clear that I needed a personalized ergonomic setup to ensure comfort and productivity. To address this, I made a significant investment in my workspace. I acquired a standing desk, an ergonomic chair, and an ergonomic keyboard and mouse combo. Everything seemed to be going well until a few months ago when I began experiencing discomfort in my elbows and wrists, especially when I tried to extend my wrists while typing. [Read More]

Embracing New Adventures: My Journey in Blogging

New Blog

Throughout my life, I’ve always possessed curiosity for the world around me. Whether it’s savoring exotic dishes, embarking on exciting journeys, or diving headfirst into the world of technology, I’ve eagerly embraced the chance to explore new horizons. Over the years, I’ve amassed a collection of hobbies, some tried and true, while others were fleeting passions that faded away with time. Yet, in the midst of this whirlwind of experiences, there’s always been a desire to have a personal space where I could capture my adventures, both the highs and lows. [Read More]

Implementing a UserStore

Learning Axum

In our previous blog post we covered how to implement axum’s SessionStore trait. In this post we will continue where we left off and implement UserStore Before we dive into the implementation details, let’s first provide some background information on UserStore. It is a component of the axum-login crate that stores the authenticated user’s state. To use the UserStore, you first need to create an auth layer and then register and then register it with your application. [Read More]
axum  rust 

Implementing a Session Store

Learning Axum

When I began learning Scala, I decided to build a blog as a way to familiarize myself with the ecosystem. Since the problem domain was straightforward, it seemed like a good fit. However, when I tried to do the same thing in Rust, I lost interest once I realized the amount of work required to create and maintain a user interface. That’s when I discovered Zola, a Static Site Generator written in Rust, which I plan to write about in a future blog post. [Read More]
axum  rust