Ergonomic Keyboard

Researching Ergonomic Keyboards

Like many others, I transitioned to working from home during the pandemic. As time passed, it became increasingly clear that I needed a personalized ergonomic setup to ensure comfort and productivity.

To address this, I made a significant investment in my workspace. I acquired a standing desk, an ergonomic chair, and an ergonomic keyboard and mouse combo. Everything seemed to be going well until a few months ago when I began experiencing discomfort in my elbows and wrists, especially when I tried to extend my wrists while typing.

These discomforting symptoms led me to research exercises and solutions for my condition, which seemed to be related to the inflammation of the Ulnar nerve. This search also pointed me towards the need for a new ergonomic keyboard to replace my existing one, the Logictec Ergo k860 keyboard.

As I embarked on my journey to find the perfect ergonomic keyboard, I turned to the wisdom of the Ergokeyboards subreddit. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I needed to refine my search.

After some research, I made the decision to stick with a “split keyboard” design, and that’s when the split keyboard comparsion site came to my rescue. It provided a wealth of information and helped me narrow down my options to a handful of compelling choices.

Here were the contenders:

The Glove80 and Kinesis Advantage2 were neck and neck in the race, but I hit a roadblock when I discovered that everything on the Glove80 website was back-ordered. In the end, I opted for the Advantage2.

Using the Advantage2 was a revelation. It was my first experience with a keyboard that boasted a multitude of unique features. From its ortholinear key layout to the intriguing “finger bowl” (a concave shape) and the convenient “thumb cluster,” it delivered a typing experience like no other.

For those who, like me, enjoy diving deep into reviews before making a purchase, here are a few links that played a significant role in my decision-making process.

After several months of using the Kinesis Advantage2, I couldn’t be happier with my choice. It’s proven to be not just one of the most comfortable keyboards I’ve ever used but also a game-changer for my overall comfort and productivity.

What’s even more fantastic is that I’ve bid farewell to the discomfort and pain I once experienced. If you’re on the hunt for a new keyboard, I hope this article helps guide you toward a more comfortable and pain-free typing experience.

“Rumi Quote”: This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.